Common Questions:

  • Yes. We have a list of common oils, spices, and herbs that are compatible with the flora and fauna of Tennessee.

  • Yes. You and your family can participate as much or as little in the burial process as you like. We will work out those details with you when you purchase a plot.

  • Yes. We will have a special section set apart for your beloved pet.

  • No! Our burial sites will be approved by ecological experts and so will not interfere with the water table, natural storm run-off, or with any other natural processes within the same area. Decomposition is happening continually on the earth and is a necessary part of bringing new life and growth.

  • No! Natural burials are between 4 and 6 feet, which is where the most beneficial microbes reside. This range of depth ensures complete containment in the ground.

  • No! Again, the depth of burial ensures complete containment even from scavenging animals.